Now that summer is winding down, you most likely have employees returning from breaks or vacations. Transitioning back into the work environment can cause employees to be restless and stressed. How can you provide a company culture that will help reboot your team? Here are 5 strategies:1. Rethink lunch.Use lunch time as a way for your team to bond more. Consider cooking classes at an off-site location, or perhaps a company picnic. Or even implement "lunch and learns," where employees share expertise on a specific work/life-related topic with their team.2. Paper plate awards.Give out creative, fun superlatives to your team members. Present them at lunch or a team meeting. You can also have employees vote on superlatives to encourage participation. It'll help them get to know each other more, while also learning their shared interests.3. Assign a non-work-related presentation.Have team members work together on a fun presentation, such as "How to Convince the CEO to Give Up Her Parking Spot." This encourages people who don't normally work together to collaborate and know each other more. This can also be beneficial to employees who feel anxious when presenting, and need some practice in a less stressful environment.4. Switch up the dress code.You don't have to limit yourself to just holiday costumes. Get creative with occasional themed days, such as "Superhero Day." Or have a routine casual day (i.e. "Jeans Tuesdays"), especially if your office is typically business attire.5. Adventure off-site.At Butterfly, team members recently went on a 3-day retreat to Swan Lake to work on team-building exercises. You can plan multi-day programs like that, or perhaps just a single-day trip, such as going to a ropes course.Help your team members ease their way back to work by enhancing your work culture.Source: Entrepreneur
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